Scheduling a Playlist

Learn how to set up a playlist to play at specific times or on a schedule, ensuring your content is delivered when you want it to be.

When you schedule the playlist, you tell the program on which days and times it will play on the screens. 

Go to playlists in the left menu on the Dashboard.
Choose the playlist you want to edit and click on the edit button . You will see that status of the playlist is on finished (but not on scheduled). If you didn't create a playlist yet, you first need to do that. You will find instructions in the article 'How do I create a playlist?'.

Select next to go to the scheduling page.

In this overview you see the schedule options. You can go to a different view by using the filters (you can change month to day for example and use the arrows to move up and down in dates). To schedule your playlist to play on every day and all day, you select "play always". In this view you can also deactivate a schedule for a playlist, by using on/off . To add a specific schedule for a playlist, you select add schedule. This option will only appear when the option to play always is turned off.

Let's say you have 2 playlists; 1 you want to play always and you used the Play Always option and for number 2 you do not want the playlist to play 24/7, but instead you want to add a schedule to play on office hours and only in the month May. After you clicked on add schedule. You will set the start and end date:

Choose the days and hours you want the playlist to play:

In the advanced options we have some extra features. Let's say you want the playlist to deviate from the usual on a specific day. You click on advanced options:

If you don't have this option but would like to use it, you can contact Support (the setting is not automatically turned on for all users).

We want to change the times for Dutch Liberation day. So you click on May 5th in the calendar. You will see that it's set on the regular schedule. 

To change this, uncheck the option Regular Schedule. Then you can set the preferred times:

Once we are finished we click on save:

In the overview you will now see on which times and dates the playlist is scheduled:

We could change the overview to week, if we want to check if the advanced option for liberation day has been set correctly: 

We like to make a note that you have to make sure that there is always something scheduled on your hardware; if there are gaps the media player will get confused and it can happen that he won't be able to pick up a schedule after he didn't play anything for a while. If you want the screen to not show content on certain times or days, please use the on/off time feature. You can find instructions for this in the article 'How can I edit player details like the orientation & on/off times?'.

We hope you enjoyed this tutorial and remember we offer all these extra features but they are not obligatory, you could just click to schedule quickly.

Still not sure how to the dates and time of a playlist. We made a video for you in which we repeat all the above mentioned steps for you: