How to create and manage a subuser?

This article will explain how to create a subuser.

If you want to grant others access to the media players, you can easily create a sub-user. Follow these steps:

  1. In the left-hand menu, click on Users in the Dashboard.
  2. On the new page, click on Add User.
  3. Fill in the necessary details for the new user.

User Settings:

You can set various limits and options for the sub-user, such as:

  • Fragment limit: Set a maximum number of fragments the user can add to playlists. Leave this field empty if you don't want to set a limit.
  • Playlist limit and PRO limit: These work similarly to the fragment limit. Enter a number to set a limit or leave the field blank for no restrictions.
  • Fragment approval: Check this option if you want all fragments created by the sub-user to be approved by the main user before they can be scheduled.

Linking Media Players:

On the right side of the screen, you can link media players to the user. To add all players, use the Select all players option.

Managing Templates:

Click on the Templates tab on the right. Here, you can also use Select all templates to add all available templates at once.

Setting Permissions:

In the third tab, you can manage the sub-user's permissions. Decide what actions the sub-user is allowed to perform in their account, such as modifying playlists or adding new content.

Saving the User:

Once everything is set, click Save in the top right corner to save the new user.

After saving, the user will appear in your list of users. Share the login details with the new user so they can access their own account.

To modify the settings later, click the pencil icon next to the user in the list to edit their details.